Salesforce Advertising Studio for Education Industry

Salesforce Advertising Studio for Education Industry

On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms.For years now, Adkrasol Design Studio was struggling to have a fully functional, navigable, fast loading,

Project info

Our Strategies
Our Challenges

Project Challenges

They were facing the following challenges:

  • Limited reach to different audiences: They are using offline marketing strategies to advertise, such as placing billboards throughout the state and running radio promotions, but they are not producing the number of leads they had hoped for.
  • Having difficulty targeting customers from different demographics: With numerous institutions spread out over the nation, they were unable to specifically target the various client groups because they were only marketing in their capital city, which led to low admission rates in other institutions.
  • Inadequate personalization for various audiences: Because the reach is restricted to a specific territory and since each audience can have a different interest in different branches, they were unable to publicize that, which led to low admission rates in various branches.
  • Multiple channels resulted in high advertising costs: They were spending a lot of money on their advertising because they were using several different channels. Additionally, managing numerous marketing channels and monitoring each one’s progress is becoming more challenging for them.
Case Studies

Our Latest Case Studies

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered by injecter variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.