Salesforce Health Cloud Services Integrate With Multiple Third-Party Apps

Salesforce Health Cloud Services Integrate With Multiple Third-Party Apps

On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms.For years now, Adkrasol Design Studio was struggling to have a fully functional, navigable, fast loading,

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Our Challenges

Project Challenges

Some of the significant challenges faced were

  • Difficulty to keep track of pre and post-surgery actions:  One of the major challenges was managing the data and keeping track of the medical records of the patients and centralizing the data into one source of truth. Their data was scattered at various storage locations.
  • Unavailability of proper device data: Another challenge was to capture the data from various smart devices to monitor the health details such as steps, blood pressure, etc. They were capturing this data manually from their patients and it was not consistent. Sometimes the data was missing as well, which was hampering the treatment.
  • No track of healthcare provider-patient interaction: It was very difficult for the medical practitioner to keep track of the interaction with the patients and also it would be difficult for them to calculate the timeframe that they have invested in a specific patient.
  • Reminders and Survey: They were getting cases, where the patient was not quick clear about when they need to take medicine or when is the time for their checkup. They also wanted to capture the feedback on their treatment and the services that they have provided.
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